V5.90N version modify modify (2017-6-27)
1. upgrade player to support GPU hardware decode in win7 and win10;
V5.82N version modify modify (2015-6-5)
1. add NT Series IPC and Nihon new series IPC support in Hybrid NDVR;
2. Change DNS Connect way to P2P Connect for NVSS P2P function support in CMS Client;
3. upgrade DH Series SDK to fix display issue for DH seires HDVR-V2 model;
4. Upgrade NV Series SDK to fix some issue;
5. Fix some remote playback issue in CMS Client;
V5.81N version modify(2014-9-23)
1. upgrade NV series IPC and NVR device SDK to fix bug;
2. upgrade ONVIF protocol program to fix bug;
3. upgrade remote playback for CMS Client to fix bug;
V5.80N version modify(2014-4-10)
1. fix dual monitor function fail issue in last version;
2. upgrade ONVIF protocol program;
3. fix playback and backup bug;
4. fix some other small bug;
V5.79N version modify(2014-1-6)
1. upgrade NV Series IPC Search & IP Address Modify function;
2. Upgrade NV Series IP Device Motion Setup Function;
3. upgrade DH Series IPC motion setup to support its newest firmware;
4. fix some other small bug;
V5.78N version modify(2013-12-2)
1. upgrade ONVIF protocol to V2.3 to support ONVIF IPC Alarm record function;
2. add DZ Series IPC support and TVT IPC support;
3. upgrade NV series IPC SDK and DH Series IPC SDK to match new NV and DH IPC model;
4. add IPC smart search function (this need user open motion detection of AI function for all IPC preview);
5. CMS client support win8 home upgrade;
6. fix some other small bug;
V5.76 version modify(2013-5-23)
1. upgrade DT series IPC support, add DT IPC Setting and DK IPC setting in Hybrid NDVR;
2. upgrade DH SDK to support dual stream for DH series embedded dvr/nvr in Hybrid NDVR;
3. upgrade Hybrid NDVR connect IPC mode, NDVR connect all IPC in same time now, image display is faster when NDVR start;
4. upgrade DX and NV IPC connect SDK to fix some bug;
5. fix some other small bug;
V5.75N version modify modify (2013-3-28)
1. add DG4304HD and DG4316HF dvr card support, DG4316HF card support 16 channel 960H analog Cameras;
2. add DT Series IPC support;
3. upgrade CMS Client connect device mode, CMS can connect all device at the same;
4. upgrade DH series IPC support to fix part IPC login bug in V5.74;
5. fix some other small bug;
V5.74 version modify modify (2013-1-30)
1. add e-PTZ function in preview;
2. upgrade DG card SDK and driver to support DG4304HD card;
3. upgrade DX,DK series SDK to fix some bug in previous version;
4. upgrade NV series SDK to support hikvision embedded NVR and some new model IPC;
5. upgrade playback to support POS text preview in NDVR Local playback(For x.74 version);
6. fix serval small bug;
V5.73 version modify modify (2012-11-29)
1. add NVMP Client service function in CMS Client, NVMP Client(PC/iOS/Android) can connect CMS to get device infoamtion then view these device video according to the permission of the user ID;
2. add device tree & folder permission management function in CMS client;
3. add dual network card service select function;
4. add DX series IPC/EMDVR support;
5. update DH Series IPC/EMDVR SDK to support new firmware with more exact motion detection;
6. upgrade all playback time bar zoom function;
V5.72 version modify modify (2012-10-16)
1. improve DH Series IPC Connect, fix some DH IPC connect bug;
2. upgrade local playback and remote playback time bar display;
3. add DK Series IPC support;
V5.71 version modify modified(2012-8-17)
1. add mouse wheel zoom in/out function for IPC image in preview;
2. fix Hybrid NDVR exit error bug and other small bug;
3. add mouse wheel zoom in/out function for analogue&IP video in playback;
4. improve iPhone/Andoid mobile client to support connecting to DH IPC/DVR directly, new client name call "NDVR Client";
5. fix some other small bug;
V5.70 version modify modified(2012-06-04)
1. Rename NVR Client to CMS Client and DVR Server to Hybrid NDVR from this version;
2. add Redundant Hybrid NDVR function in CMS Client
3. add device alarm send email/sms/popup function in CMS Client;
4. add Panasonic series IPC support;
5. add sony ch_dh_rh_rs series ipc support;
6. add Mask IP and netgate IP modify function for DH, DG, NV series IPC;
7. add Email ssl security function in Hybrid NDVR;
8. add POS text live display function in CMS Client;
9. fix some bug reported from last version;
V5.68 version modify modified(2012-3-26)
1. add ONVIF cameras audio support function, fix DG IPC audio function bug, and AVI convert audio support;
2. add ONVIF cameras and NV series IPC Search function in dvr server;
3. add Device movement function in nvr client;
4. fix some bug reported from last version;
V5.67 version modify modified(2012-1-9)
1. improve dvr server memory management mode to reduce memory usage and avoid memory more than 2G cause software crash issue;
2. add Sunell Series IPC support;
3. Improve main / sub stream auto switch function to offer better IP DVR Solution;
4. upgrade ONVIF protocol program;
5. fix some other small bug;
V5.66 version modify modified(2011-11-29)
1. upgrade Video Intelligent Analysis playback function, add export object counting analysis result into a chart function;
2. add audio support function for AVI convertor & backup;
3. add mobile phone/tablet based on Android OS support, search "pcdvrviewer" in android market;
4. solve ONVIF cameras connect bug;
5. fix some other small bug;
//V5.65 version modify modified(2011-10-27)
1. add Video Intelligent Analysis function, it includes:
(1) Unattended Object Detection
(2) Missing Object Detection
(3) Smoke and Fire Detection
(4) Movement Direction Detection
(5) Intrusion Detection
(6) Tripwire Detection
(7) Face Detection
(8) Object Counting
2. add Video Intelligent Analysis result search & playback function;
3. add dvr server name input group setup function in nvr client;
4. upgrade IPC player to support DG series IPC audio function;
5. improve ONVIF to support ONVIF IPC authentication function to solve part ONVIF not support issue for previous version;
6. solve DG series board license issue for presious version;
7. fix some other small bug;
//V5.63 version modify modified(2011-08-17)
1. upgrade DG series dvr card SDK and driver to fix some bug in old version, extra for DG42XXHF card support;
2. add 9 split VGA and TV output function for DG42XXHF card;
3. add DG Series 1080P IP cameras support;
4. add DH IPC Search function in dvr server and fix DH series 3M pixel IP cameras bug;
5. fix alarm record status to not record status convert bug;
6. upgrade DG series IPC, DH seires IPC, axis series IPC, acti series IPC, arcontvision etc support;
7. fix some other small bug;
//V5.62 version modify modified(2011-06-20)
1. add VGA matrix output function for DG42XXHF card;
2. add Color auto adjust by time function in dvr server;
3. improve record buffering management mode to avoid HDD busy cause network delay issue in dvr server;
4. fix LE/HE Embedded dvr PC dvr connect fail bug in sometime;
//V5.61 version modify modified(2011-05-28)
1. fix windows auto reboot fail bug for DG42XXHF card after set software auto reboot;
2. upgrade ONVIF IP Cameras support;
3. upgrade backup & video convertor function to fix some bug.
4. fix some other small bug.
//V5.60 version modify modified(2011-04-11)
1. Add DG42XXHF/HD card support, but please upgrade all DG card driver to current version;
2. upgrade player.exe to support record file convert to AVI and mpg function;
3. fix TV Client connect amount limition bug (connect camera fail for pc dvr) in dvr server and nvr client;
4. upgrade backup & video convertor function to fix some bug;
5. fix some other small bug;
//V5.50 version modified(2011-01-25)
1. add ONVIF IP Cameras support;
2. add camera display open/close function in display group setup and window menu.
3. add IP cameras sensor input and digital output function in dvr server, user can control ip camera DI/DO and local alarm box DI/DO at the same time in dvr server now.
4. add motion alarm send email and SMS time delay function in dvr server.
5. add IP cameras motion detect function for third brand ip cameras without motion alarm function.
6. add local fast playback function in dvr server.
7. upgade remote playback function to support multi dvr playback in nvr client, user can playback pc dvr and embedded dvr at the same time.
8. upgrade IP cameras player to fix old version bug.
9. upgrade local playback backup and POS search function, user can convert video when backup record data.
10. upgrade user password management function in dvr server, each user can setup self private password when he login dvr server first time.
11. upgrade iPhone Client to support iPad and multi-channel view function.
12. upgrade web client, when user's pc can't download and install activex automaticly, user can download web client manually and install it.
13. fix some other small bug.
//V5.41 version modified(2010-10-11)
1. upgrade mobile server to fix mobile client connect dvr crash issue, add android phone client support function;
2. upgrade DG series IPC SDK to support DG series IPC audio function and audio chat function.
3. add 3G function support in dvr server for DG series IPC.
4. upgrade backup & convertor to fix some bug in old version.
5. upgrade PC decoder and TV Client to fix some bug in older version, notice upgrade nvr client and tv client at the same time.
6. upgrade web client to support DG series IPC and third brand IPC in web client.
7. add 4 channel pos search & playback and pos text alarm email send function.
8. Vivotek and SanYo IP camera supported.
9. add HDD calculation function in DVR to be a reference of recording.
10. Seperate Video Loss send E-mail/SMS from Motion Alarm.
11. add a function to let users to set record days for both IP cameras and board cameras.
12. fix some other small bug.
//V5.40 version modified(2010-07-21)
1. Add support for DG series IPC in DVR Server and NVR Client, user can scan DG series IPC in DVR directly before adding them into DVR
2. Add the function to switch between Main Stream and Sub Stream of IP Camera for preview according to preview partitions, which will reduce the CPU usage when connecting multi-channel IP Cameras
3. Add the function to get record status in DVR Server and NVR Client; however, in NVR Client user can only get the record status of Netvsion DVR Server
4. Upgrade SDK and driver of DG Series card, which fixs the problem of recording of DG41xx series card shipped after April,2010
5. Add 1366*768 and 1600*900 resolution support in DVR Server and NVR Client
6. Fix TV Client bug: when TV Client has more than 2 monitors, it occasionally can't response modification quickly
7. Modify Arecont Vision IP Camera to support H.264 stream, also, modify Sony IPC to support PTZ control.
//V5.38 version modified(2010-05-28)
1. add auto backup and video convertor function in dvr server, user can convert record to AVI or MS MPG4 when backup, AVI is a H.264 data, it can played in many TV or DVD or other player. MS MPG4 can be played in windows media player directly
2. improve pc decoder function, add user operation function to PC decoder display. but please upgrade TV Client and NVR Client to same version.
3. improve PTZ protocol config mode and PTZ protocol library in dvr server.
4. add PDA support function in nvr client, include iPhone and Blackberry etc, for iPhone, please use newest client version, search "MobileClient" in iTunes.
5. fix some issue for dvr server in win7.
//V5.37HC version modified(2010-04-19)
1. Add DG80XX/90XX series embedded dvr support in dvr server and nvr client.
2. improve pc decoder function. but please upgrade TV Client and NVR Client to same version.
3. fix local playback slow issue for big amount HDD. for old version in new file system, when HDD capacity is too big, such as 6T,8T, it will cause DVR playback slower, this issue is fixed from this version.
4. Modify sony, mobotix, acti, arecontvision etc IP camera setup call mode, now software will call ip camera web client directly.
5. fix bug: motion pre-record data loss or order error from 6.35 to 6.36.
6. fix several other small bugs.
//V5.36HC version modified(2010-03-13)
1. Add DG series board support, even Unite NV series card adn DG series card to a version, user can mix DG and NV card in same pc from this version.
notice: if install DG card in new version, please upgrade nvr client to same version, or else remote setup camera can't work normally for DG card.
2. Add Camtron IP Camera and Axis IP Camera support.
3. Add dual monitor support(extended mode) with software decode in dvr server.
4. fix bug: dvr setup can't popup normally somtime in win7 OS.
5. fix bug: when connect IPC, sometime dvr server exit abnormity.
//V5.35HC version modified(2010-01-26)
1. Add PC Decoder Function to support multi-monitor in nvr client for TV Wall Function.
2. Modify Window Split Mode from auto to manual choice in dvr server and nvr client.
3. Modify PDA Client to support all IP Camera and all board in Dvr Server, add different Mobile Client support, such as Iphone, blackberry etc, need intall different client proram.
4. Modify Playback time bar function to let user choice playback position more flexible.
5. upgrade install program to support 64bit OS for NVR Client and DVR Server, but for NV Series board, need Install 64bit OS Driver.
6. fix Hurviron IP Camera network break reconnect issue.
//V5.34HC version modified(2009-11-30)
1. add sony IP MJpeg support feature.
2. add Mobotix IP Camera and AcrontVision IP camera support feature.
3. add Normal & motion record feature and playback filter with reocrd type feature.
4. add disk data package management feature and user right feature.
5. add POS associate IP camera feature and POS text font display setup feature.
6. add UnInstall feature and backup setting parameters automaticly feature from this version.
7. Upgrade board SDK to support 42 series board and windows 7 in dvr server.
8. modify nvr client user right management feature.
9. fix a bug cause dvr crash for ACTi IP camera support.
10. fix a bug for dahua embedded dvr connect in dvr server.
//V5.33HC version modified(2009-10-16)
1. add ip device register report function in dvr and nvr client.
2. add POS buffering time function in dvr server.
3. upgrade Huviron SDK to solve image broke issue for huviron IP camera.
4. upgrade NV Series IP camera SDK to solve its network broke cause DVR crash
5. modify serval program module to support windows 7 for dvr server and nvr
6. modify two small bug for DG series embedded dvr support.
7. add dahua IP device support in dvr server and nvr client.
//V5.32HC version modified(2009-8-23)
1. fix virus report issue for all program build with delphi.
2. fix a player bug for sony IP support.
//V5.31HC version modified(2009-8-17)
1. Add 1440*900 resolution support in DVR Server and NVR Client.
2. Fix a record overwrite bug: DVR can't overwrite several files pack sometime due to especial reason in 5.01-5.30.
3. Fix a instant playback bug: DVR and NVR can't delete history file after instant playback due to player upgrade in V5.30.
4. Add DG series embedded DVR support in DVR server and NVR Client.
//V5.30HC version modified(2009-7-2)
1. add emap function in nvr client, support extended and stretched display mode
for emap display,
support armed and unarmed function, support filter record search by server name
in nvr playback.
2. add ACTi ip camera support.
3. add PTZ keyboard control function for dvr server and nvr client.
4. add HDTV Resolution 1920*1080 support in nvr client.
5. add PC DVR motion setup function in nvr client.
6. improve nvr local log search function, provide detail alarm search way.
7. fixed some other small bug.
//V5.28HC version modified(2009-5-19)
1. add HDTV Resolution 1920*1080 support in dvr server
2. add quick zoom and auto tracking function for intelligence PTZ.
3. add SD card format function for ip device.
4. add self define DNS server function for ip device.
5. fix nvr client connect self define dns server bug.
6. add web client download help function.
7. solve two nvr client serious bug(from v5.25 to v5.27):
(1) nvr connect dvr server fail sometime bug server run ok.
(2) new nvr client crash sometimes when get dvr alarm signal.
8. modify some other small bug in nvr client and dvr server.
//V5.27HC version modified(2009-4-11)
1. fix HS card 4CIF record data playback bug, older version is too fast for playback.
2. fix dual monitor display bug: when playback, second monitor live video can be actived.
3. upgrade player SDK, fix image discontiguous bug when open audio playback. 4. fix other some small bug.
//V5.26HC version modified(2009-3-18)
1. add sony IP camera support.
2. add Huviron IP camera support.
3. fix some small bu for dvr server.
4. fix some bug for new nvr lcient to switch mpixel ip camera from dvr server.
//V5.25HC version modified(2009-2-9)
1. add PTZ tour restore function in dvr server after dvr restart.
2. fix bug: matrix remote setup fail.
3. upgrade nvr client, new nvr client use new file system like dvr server, and
can monitor device status,
improve stand alone dvr search program, from this version, will start to log nvr
client upgrade information.
//V5.23HC version modified(2008-12-24)
1. modify ip camera connect way to fix software crash bug in older version.
2. upgrade player and ip camera SDK to fix mega pixel ip camera no video bug.
3. modify dual monitor function.
4. upgrade ip camera setup program.
5. add 1680*1050 resolution display function in dvr server.
//V5.11HC version modified(2008-10-06)
1. Solve the problem that software be regarded as virus.
//V5.10HC version modified(2008-8-27)
1. Modify remote playback to PC DVR function in NVR Client, as a result, user must use the same
version DVR and NVR Clinet if you want to use the remote playback function.
2. Add record days display function in dvr server.
3. Add advanced remote playback function for PC DVR in NVR Client, such as smart search, sync
playback, pos text search etc. User can search and playback data in PC DVR server remotely from NVR
Client, just as doing that in PC DVR Server.
4. Modify DVR Server lock bug: when DVR Server is in pos setup, ip camera setup or acu setup, if
user setup auto delay lock, it will cause dvr server can't response mouse again.
5. Modify some other small bug.
//V5.06HC version modified(2008-7-10)
1. Fix a DVR bug: when the size of space for recording is too big, DVR can't
start correctly due to
software dog kill DVR main application while it spend a long time to scan all
recording files;
2. Improve disk record overwrite way, now overwrite time is more exact;
3. Improve IP Camera connection way to fix some IP Camera connection bugs;
4. Add backup file time selectable function.
//V5.05HC version modified(2008-6-18)
1. Improve Sync playback function, Keep all channel Sync in pause and Next Frame
etc status.
2. Improve SMS function, user can modify GSM Modem's comunicate parameter.
3. Fix backup player.exe call error dll bug.
4. Fix MD card work mode display error bug in NVR Client (genarate from v.5.01)
5. Fix other serval small bugs.
//V5.04HC version modified(2008-6-4)
1. Add reverse playback function in new version and fix audio playback bug in
dvr search.
2. Add log info for dvr setup part.
3. Fix motion record bug for IP Camera in DVR Server.
4. Fix serval other small bugs.
//V5.03HC version modified(2008-5-16)
1. Modify some text errors
2. Modify serval small bugs for NVR setup and DVR server playback.
//V5.02HC version modified(2008-4-29)
1. Add detail log function for network access, playback and backup etc.
2. Fix serval GUI bugs.
//V5.01HC version modified(2008-4-22)
1. Adopt new record file system. User must pre-built disk data packet for
recording, it can avoid causing disk fragments in older file system.
Improve playback mode (achieved good effect of 16 channel sync playback) and the
stability of dvr software.
2. Add icon playback function. User can playback one camera's different time
zone in different windows at the same time.
3. Add POS Function, pos text search function and pos data monitor function
4. Add Access Control System integration function, ACU event seach function and
event monitor function realtime.
5. Add alarm send SMS function, when dvr get any disk error or dvr abnormity
reboot, DVR will alarm and send SMS to user.
6. Add 1280*768 wide screen display function, now DVR&NVR both support 1024*768,
1280*768, 1280*1024 three display way,
DVR & NVR adjust display mode automaticly according to user VGA setup.
7. Add instant playback function in NVR client, also add remote sub stream setup
8. Change network interface, user must upgrade NVR client and DVR server
9. Add DVR support max 32 ip cameras, and sub stream select function, add preset
call for IP cameras in DVR. DVR can work for IP product sole even if no DVR
10. Dvr server support windows vista, but must upgrade new driver for vista. but
at preset audio can't be adjusted in vista, this will be improved in future.
//V4.81HC version modified(2008-2-20)
1. Add sub stream parameter adjustment feature in nvr client.
2. Auto switch between sub stream and main stream is available when enable auto
adjustment feature of network bandwidth.
Please upgrade dvr server and nvr client at the same time.
//V4.80HC version modified(2008-2-3)
1. Add Dual Stream function for pc dvr, stand alone dvr and dvs etc in nvr
Note: In this version, nvr client and dvr server can't be used across due to the
change of network interface. They are not compatible.
2. Add PTZ speed adjustment function for ip camera and dvs.
3. Add POS function. Enable "POS function" in DVR server setup and restart it.
You can setup and operate pos function. ACU function will be released in next
//V4.74HC version modified(2008-1-23)
1. fix several bugs in v4.73.
//V4.73HC version modified(2008-1-7)
1. Modify record disk select function, and can remain some space for each disk.
2. add dual monitor support function, after enable this function, setup and
playback will display to second montior.
3. modify one bug made from v4.70.
//V4.72HC version modified(2007-12-21)
1. add 1280*1024 VGA Resolution support function, now dvr server software
1024*768 and 1280*1024 VGA Resolution, adjust display mode base on VGA card
2. NVR Client support max 64 window display, when remote image quality is lower,
NVR Client can connect & display 64 cameras.
3. in NVR Client, add get alarm & play wav file function.
//V4.71HC version modified(2007-11-20)
1. upgrade mobile client software to support new SDK and board
2. fix last version bug: watchdog program upgrade main program continuously.
//V4.70HC version modified(2007-11-6)
1. modify software watchdog work mode, don't use reboot mode, but restart dvr
program again.
2. modify motion detect motion value calc way, so that it can detect small
objects movement. and save bug.
3. change Web Client pack player, so that support ip camera video from DVR
4. fixed burn dvd_rw disc bug.
//GV4.69HC version modified(2007-10-10)
1. add instant playback review function.
//GV4.68HC version modified(2007-9-15)
1. upgrade burn cd feature, support DVD disc backup directly, max support 4.3G
DVD disc.
and user can erase DVD-RW disc and write again, all work needn't install third
burn software.
2. upgrade backup data feature, remove file unite function when backup, so that
backup procedure is faster.
3. upgrade player.exe and player SDK, compatible with ip camera will be selt
and ip camera must upgrade this version. previous version can't decode ip
4. add osd text mask feature, if enable this feature, osd text can support any
language, but this time, mask bitmap feature is disable.
5. Modify mobile client video data setup way, remove fixed resolution and
framerate, now user can setup mobile client request
resolution and framerate via sub channel setup in dvr server. even mobile client
has same data source with nvr client.
6. modify other serval small bug.
//GV4.66HC version modified(2007-7-18)
1. fix bug: when pda connect dvr server, dvr server crash.
2. fix bug: playback burn CD ready file select.
3. fix bug: IP camera motion alarm setup error.
//GV4.65HC version modified(2007-6-29)
1. modify playback record time display way, now user needn't open all camera to check its reocrd time.
2. change board SDK, fix HC series board 4CIF record to QCIF bug.
3. fix serval small bug.
//GV4.63HC version modified(2007-6-14)
1. add Preset Remote Setup feature, user must upgrade server and client to get this feature.
2. add Web Client Preset Call feature.
3. fix serval small bug.
//GV4.62HC version modified(2007-5-18)
1. change board SDK, add newest HS card support feature
2. add PDA client download feature, user can access dvr server "http://DVRIP/mobiledvr" to download mobile client directly.
3. modify image display way to support more video card like older version.
//GV4.61HC version modified(2007-4-30)
1. Add 6004HC (4 ch ip server) support feature in dvr server.
2. add PDA support feature, user can get mobile phone client from our website or sales. at present, only support 3 frame/sec.
3. modify serval new bug in v4.60.
//GV4.60HC version modified(2007-4-24)
1. Add IP Server(or IP Camera) support feature in DVR Server, User can build a
hybrid DVR that will accept both
analog video input through DVR cards and IP camera/video server digital input
through an Ethernet port, and
our MD Series board can decode IP camera/video server image , output its image
with dvr board image altoghter
to TV monitor.
2. Add setup parameter export and import feature. user can export /import all
setup parameter, include PTZ setup.
3. add Screen Keyboard feature in DVR Server, Double click any Edit frame to
open Screen keyboard to input text info.
4. Add alarm device, user can parallel connect two 7616 alarm device via rs485
to build one 7632 device with
32 DI 32 DO, but need setup different address to two 7616;
5. Modify PTZ preset control mode compeletely in dvr server and client. so user
must upgrade server and client at the same time
to avoid version compatibility issue between different version.
6. Modify user right setup mode, and PTZ right control way. detach local user
right manage and network right manage, more flexible now.
7. Modify OSD position setup way, it will be more flexible to adjust OSD
8. Modify Grab image save mode, after install software, when grab image first
time, user can select save folder by self.
//GV4.57HC version modified(2007-2-2)
1. add Burn backup data CD feature in DVR Server Main Menu.
2. add one invoke other burn program menu "Burn DVD disc" to support DVD disc in DVR Server Main Menu.
3. modify remote playback channels account, now max user can playback 16 channels at the same time in NVR Client,
but please notice, each DVR server only limit client playback 16 channels max, if one customer playbacking 16 channels,
then other client can't payback again.
besides, when upgrade v4.57, please upgrade DVR Server and client at the same time.or else, if new client playback older version
DVR Server, then older DVR server will flash and dead.
//GV4.56HC version modified(2007-1-16)
1. add removable HDD record feature and record HDD selctable feature", basis this, user can add or dec HDD when software still run;
2. fix "abnomorl program error" completely , when write disk error, popup alarm window and "beep" alarm;
3. add feature, max support 64 cameras, so when upgrade software, notice older setup parameter is impassable for new version;
4. modify live video right manage way, don't hide all camera;
5. modify some other small bug;
//GV4.55HC version modified(2006-12-19)
1. add alarm popup and send email message feature when "camera stop record" ;
2. add "cancel" button when backup process;
3. in NVR client, add "software start auto connect" feature and "auto Reconnect when network disconnect" feature;
4. in NVR client, add CPU usage display feature;
5. modify some other small bug;
//GV4.53HC version modified(2006-11-13)
1. modify motion detect and video loss alarm linkage deal way;
2. add display status save feature, after dvr exit and restart; it will restore previous status automaticly;
3. all network port setup change from 1100 to 60000;
4. add feature: when camera alarm, system popup full screen circularly;
5. upgrade board SDK, support 4016HC board, and fix bug 4.2SDK can't display B/W video and 4016HCS can't do TV output in matrix card;
6. modify some other small bug;
//GV4.52HC version modified(2006-10-13)
1. Add Reverse play feature in playback program;
2. in NVR Client, add netowrk automatic management feature, when use don't see video, stop video quest automaticly to reduce bandwidth;
3. modify serval NVR Client right manage bug.
//GV4.51HC version modified(2006-9-29)
1. modify video lose record deal way, when video lose, still record;
2. Instant playback is signed with different window color frame;
3. modify software operation way change record path and delete old data, sure system don't lose any record data when change path or delete old data;
4. add camera default type select, when video lose, for HC card when video lose, board work according to default type, for CE and C card, camera will work according to default type;
5. modify other serval bug;
//GV4.50HC version modified(2006-9-18)
1. add audio monitor right feature;
2. modify user right manage way, so, when you upgrade software, please upgrade server and client at same time, or else, maybe it will happen right manage issue;
3. modify one NVR Client bug, after modify server ip information, group setup information can't upgrade issue;
4. add manual open/close sensor alarm input feature ;
5. modify IE Client connect way
//GV4.48HC version modified(2006-9-7)
1. add instant playback pause and single frame play feature via shortcuts keybord;
2. in NVR Client, add matrix TV output multi-select feature, user can select output 1,2,4,9,13,16 split mode in TV port base on decode channel amount;
3.modify one NVR client bug in v4.46-v4.47( when input error ip, program popup error);
4.modify one board setup mode bug;
//GV4.47HC version modified(2006-8-18)
1. Add Backup multi-camera feature at a time;
2. add burn CD feature, user needn't install other burn CD software, when backup, if select CD drive, it will burn CD directly.
3. modify PTZ feature, for some factory PTZ, add speeddome menu and autopan feature.
4. add 4008HFI board support feature, 4008HFI board is 8 channel realtime full D1 board.
//GV4.46HC version modified(2006-7-31)
1. modify instant playback feature, user can playback video in space window, needn't playback in preview window.
2. Modify Client Group Setup mode, in same connection, user can select multi-camera, when begin cycle feature,
multi-camera can cycle display in same window and save in same file.
3. add max network video connection amount feature, user can setup dvr server limit max network video num, default 128.
4. add record and network video advanced setup feature, user can setup data bitrate by himself. but before setup this feature, please read manual carefully, or else, it can cause bad video quality.
5. add for NVMP software video connection right feature, new client and new server connect
older version each other, maybe it will cause error user right issue, so, if use new version, please update server and client at the same time.
//GV4.45HC version modified(2006-7-11)
1. add/modify instant playback feature;
2. add playback to TV monitor feature
3. modify board work setup way.
4. modify serval small bug
//GV4.43HC version modified(2006-6-14)
1. cancel test register, if not license, software will work according to test version.
2. Take off "NewGina.dll" Install way, User can use windows Remote Destop Tools.
3. Modify Web Client Login Fail display way.
4. Add Alarm Send .Wav File Feature, so when upgrade this version, please upgrade client and sever at a time
//GV4.41HC version modified(2006-5-26)
1. add Keyboard Shortcuts feature, please see manual for Shortcuts define.
2. modify PTZ preset Tracking feature, now, multi-PTZ can Tracking at a time.
3. Modify pre-Event Record max time is 60 sec.
//GV4.39HC version modified(2006-5-9)
1. modify one bug, when HDD full, delete same day record, sometimes, popup one c++ error;
2. add player full screen feature.
//GV4.38HC version modified(2006-4-17)
1. add backup to Removable HDD(USB) and Remote HDD feature;
//GV4.37HC version modified(2006-3-15)
1. modify alarm restore realtime record bug
2. 400XCE board added DCIF record feature.
//GV4.36HC version modified(2006-3-2)
1. add copy player to backup path feature;
2. modify audio preview bug (when camera amount > 16, can't close previous camera audio monitor);
3. modify alarm record feature: when alarm, full frame record, no alarm base on setup framerate
//GV4.35HC version modified(2006-2-23)
1. add " backup by time " feature
2. modify "view backup file" way
3. add "auto" framerate feature, when alarm record at reatime, no alarm at 1fps
4. modify some small bug
//GV4.33HC version modified(2006-1-19)
1. modify serval samll bug about Web Client
2. modify serval samll bug.
//GV4.32HC version modified(2006-1-5)
1. support HCI+ board setup feature
2. modify serval samll bug about user right management
3. modify serval samll bug about GUI text.
4. modify IE Client small bug in Remote Playback
5. unite HC, C, CE card Client program to same client program.
//GV4.31HC version modified(2005-12-26)
1. modify board compress mode bug(8 channel board work 4 ch full D1 not realtime)
2. modify fast playback GUI
3. add system date time display mode selectable feature
4. support HCI+ board setup feature
5. modify serval samll bug about user right management
//GV4.30HC version modified(2005-12-12)
1. add ptz control feature from video window.
2. add fast playback feature.
3. add remote record file fast download feature.
GV4.27HC version modified(2005-11-21)
1. modify one small bug in search clip.
2. modify all GUI move status.
3. add driver update program, more easy to update and install.
4. modify saech bug, when pause, can't zomm out
//GV4.25HC version modified(2005-11-7)
1. add IE WebClient Record, playback and remote playback feature, must update IE player, please refer to our website demo online.
2. update SDK to 4.1, so please update player at the same time., or can't play new record data.
3. modify serval samll bug.
4. you must update board driver when you update software.
//GV4.22HC version modified(2005-10-20)
1. update SDK to 4.1, support HCI+ board, D1 record can realtime;
2. add netsend frame setup feature,
3. modify several samll bug.
//GV4.21HC version modified(2005-9-28)
1. update SDK to 4.0;
2. support ds4016HCS and ds4016HC board.
3. modify matrix feature, can send one cameras video to two output port, main channel and sub channel.
4. client program support MD card matrix output, in client, it is 4 windows output in port1, port2 -- current selected channel video.
5. other small bug.
//GV4.13HC version modified(2005-9-16)
1.add feature: when client muti-channel connected, network accommodation,
2.modify bug: a. client remote setup bug;
b. when D1 AutoF compress, no audio bug.
//GV4.11HC version 2005-9-5
1. add sixteen playback features
2. modify client program bug
//GV4.10HC version 2005-8-29
1. update Web Client feature, user can setup login user and login pass;
2. add smart search feature;
3. add 4CIF(autoF, record not reatime, about 15fps) record feature while use all board channel;
//GV4.06HC version 2005-8-19
1. modify ptz preset display position and other small bug.
2. modify client can't connect 25 window bug.
3. add camera mask feature in motion setup UI.
//GV4.05HC version 2005-8-10
1. finish dvr client software, modify several problem with client software work together.
2. modify web client feature, add connect all mode, modify webclient interface,
user can setup some feature to place it in their website.
//GV4.03HC Test version 2005-8-5
resolve the problem exit error and other bug.
//GV4.02HC Test version 2005-8-3
1. Update Web Client access bug
2. enganced web client ptz control feature.
so, for update webclient, should delete "netvisiondvr.ocx",
"dvrnet.dll" and "netchannel.dll" files in your system path(c:\winnt\system32)
//GV4.01HC Test version 2005-8-1
new software change UI, logo etc.
new software add feature
1. Auto Web Client Feature, after you run dvr server,
can http://IP access DVR Server, needn't install iis again. only notice
delete "dvrnet.dll" and "netchannel.dll" at first in your system path of client PC.
2. Net Send Mode Update;
3. add Matrix Group Feature;
4. add Display Group Feature, you can define a camera display any window now.
5. Record Day number setup, you can setup different camera record different days.
6. max 48 channel support.
7. modify display partition mode, can 1,4,9,12,16,20,25,28,33,36,40,49 partition mode.