NETVISION SECURITY FORUM ¡ú NETVISIONDVR RELEASES AND FAQ ¡ú New releases and functions ¡ú New version softwares (5.71) had been released!
New version softwares (5.71) had been released!
Starter£ºliu¡¡¡¡Replies£º0¡¡¡¡Views£º7650¡¡¡¡Last post£º2012/11/7 23:36:33 by liu

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2012/11/7 23:36:33

Platoon leader

New version softwares (5.71) had been released!
New version softwares (5.71) had been released!

The Netvision development team would like to announce the availability of Netvision Hybrid NDVR 5.71 and CMS Client 5.71.

This release:
1. add mouse wheel zoom in/out function for IPC image;
2. fix Hybrid NDVR exit error bug and other small bug;
3. add mouse wheel zoom in/out function in playback;
4. improve iPhone/Andoid mobile client to support DH IPC/DVR, new client name call "NDVR Client";
5. fix some other small bug;

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