We do not support to convert audio while backup & convert file clip. So you can not get file clip with audio if you convert the format. To get video & audio in file clip, you should never convert the file format.
This was caused by many reason such as, there are too many brands with different audio standard and compression method(NV & DG & Third provider), so please do not convert the format if you need audio, just copy our Player to play the file clip.
Best Regards.
Thanks a lot for prompt feedback and support!
Well, now its quite clear!
And could you plese tell me whether you (I mean NetVision Company) have any other Players to play your original NV-software created files. To be more exact I need something like Global Hotkey function to navigate through the file while another application is running etc. For this purpose I used KMP-Player (sorry to mention here, just for explanational purpose).