inboxua: I have the original HTC Desire S. If I search for "netdvrviewer" in Market (from the phone) I get "There are no matches in Android Market...". And in a browser from my PC it says "This app is incompatible...". Here's the screenshot from an Android Market web version. I tried installing this app the same way on Samsung I5700(custom2.1), HTC Hero(2.1), HTC Desire HD(2.2) - no problems. BTW, other manufacturers' DVR apps work OK (e.g. DMSS-Pro).
", install it, and try to log in your DVR Server. Please make sure there are some registered cameras in the DVR Server software, also you should input a right ID and PASS when you log in. If this is not work eigher, please get some error message on your Android phone and some screen shots for me.