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ONVIF protocol supported in new version software!
Starter£ºliu¡¡¡¡Replies£º11¡¡¡¡Views£º25757¡¡¡¡Last post£º2011/2/28 6:38:59 by grdvr

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2011/2/1 4:29:04


Role£ºRegistered User

We are testing 5.50 version. We have some questions:

In NVR Client, there are not PS,AS and IS icons in Remote Search. Where have they gone?
Also, the Substream button is gone.
We like the new remote search menu where we can search multiple dvrs without exiting Remote Search. But could you consider to let a user check cameras from different dvrs to get a backup? When we check a camera from DVR1 and we select DVR2, when we go back to DVR1, the check box from that camera is gone.

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