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Starter£ºhexid¡¡¡¡Replies£º3¡¡¡¡Views£º13514¡¡¡¡Last post£º2012/2/22 22:42:03 by liu

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hexidPosted£º2012/2/20 13:42:56
about mobile software
what  iphone  client  app  can  i  use  to  see  my webcams

liuPosted£º2012/2/20 19:31:49
Hi there,

  Can you please tell me what camera you are working with??

  By the way, our iPhone/iPad Client software, or other mobile client software such as Android/Blackberry, can not connect to IP cameras / devices directly. Users should add these IP cameras / devices into our DVR Server software, then use our iPhone/iPad Client software, or other mobile client software such as Android/Blackberry to connect to our PC DVR Server software and live preview.

hexidPosted£º2012/2/21 0:34:16
i am using 
1 DS-4008 
1 DS-4004
en 4 ipcam's  from hikvision DS2CD812PF.
So total i have  16 cam's.
I have  all this connected  to  DVR server software. I can see  it all  from  client  software  but  what Iphone  software could  i  use ? 

One  more  question

i have connected  my  IP  cam's  to DVR server  en i  can  view  them on the  server but  i can not  registrate video data en  can  not  view  IP cam's from  client  software.

Ok  i  found  it.  It  is  working  with  "Net PCDvrviewer" app from  apstore.

the  2-nd question  no issue.

how can  i registrate my DVR card's  ?
liuPosted£º2012/2/22 22:42:03
Hi there,

  Please check if you are using our software at first, you have to contact our sales in charge of your location.

  So please provide your Location/Company Name/Contact person/Phone number, then corresponding sales will contact you. They deal with the register.

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