NETVISION SECURITY FORUM ¡ú NETVISIONDVR RELEASES AND FAQ ¡ú New releases and functions ¡ú New version softwares (5.72) had been released!
New version softwares (5.72) had been released!
Starter£ºliu¡¡¡¡Replies£º0¡¡¡¡Views£º7306¡¡¡¡Last post£º2012/11/7 23:39:43 by liu

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liuPosted£º2012/11/7 23:39:43
New version softwares (5.72) had been released!
The Netvision development team would like to announce the availability of Netvision Hybrid NDVR 5.72 and CMS Client 5.72.

This release:
1. improve DH Series IPC Connect, fix some DH IPC connect bug;
2. upgrade local playback and remote playback time bar display;
3. add DK Series IPC support;

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