To use client software on an Android phone, please refer to and search for "netdvrviewer" and download it. Then install and run the software, to connect to our DVR Server software to view video.
I assume because both of them have a restriction: "Requires Android: 2.1 - 2.2".
Can you please change this to "2.1 and up" - so it would install even on future releases of Android.
I checked with our programmer, he told me there is no such limitation, but maybe can not run properly in OEM Android OS??
Please check if your Android is an OEM OS?? Can you tell us your Android model is possible??Also can you please tell me what errors you met when you install "netdvrviewer/ Mobile Client / myasee2"??
I have the original HTC Desire S. If I search for "netdvrviewer" in Market (from the phone) I get "There are no matches in Android Market...". And in a browser from my PC it says "This app is incompatible...". Here's the screenshot from an Android Market web version. I tried installing this app the same way on Samsung I5700(custom2.1), HTC Hero(2.1), HTC Desire HD(2.2) - no problems. BTW, other manufacturers' DVR apps work OK (e.g. DMSS-Pro).
inboxua: I have the original HTC Desire S. If I search for "netdvrviewer" in Market (from the phone) I get "There are no matches in Android Market...". And in a browser from my PC it says "This app is incompatible...". Here's the screenshot from an Android Market web version. I tried installing this app the same way on Samsung I5700(custom2.1), HTC Hero(2.1), HTC Desire HD(2.2) - no problems. BTW, other manufacturers' DVR apps work OK (e.g. DMSS-Pro).
", install it, and try to log in your DVR Server. Please make sure there are some registered cameras in the DVR Server software, also you should input a right ID and PASS when you log in. If this is not work eigher, please get some error message on your Android phone and some screen shots for me.
inboxua: Thanks. It works now, but would be beter if it was working right from the market.
But still I think it's because of misconfiguration in your app config on the market.
That's a good news that the software works now. For the Android Market problem, we will check the configuration, but I think there really some problem with Android Market too, you can google "can not search applications on Android Market", there are some applications can not be searched too, even on some phones it can be searched, but on some other it can not be searched. Also Android OS has OEM version, this would be a little different too.
Hello, I too am having issues getting the Netdvrviewer on my Android (HTC EVO) The Android Market said that my device is not compatible with the software. I am running Android version 2.3. I tried using the link but it said it was forbidden. Thanks, John.
jtsnyderjr: Hello, I too am having issues getting the Netdvrviewer on my Android (HTC EVO) The Android Market said that my device is not compatible with the software. I am running Android version 2.3. I tried using the link but it said it was forbidden. Thanks, John.
Thank you for your support!
There was some problem with our Server computer, so you can't download from the link.
We have just been back from our National Holiday, and our Server computer is OK and ready for download, please try again.
When I finished downloading it came in as a ZIP-file not a APK-File, is that ok ? and what are the instructions on installing this file ?
I have a Samsung Captivate(Galaxy S) by AT&T using stock Android 2.2 and it works beautifully and I can find the app on the market, but when I just bought myself a NEW Samsung Galaxy S II by AT&T using stock Android 2.3.4, I cant find the app on the market.
danielNY: When I finished downloading it came in as a ZIP-file not a APK-File, is that ok ? and what are the instructions on installing this file ?
I have a Samsung Captivate(Galaxy S) by AT&T using stock Android 2.2 and it works beautifully and I can find the app on the market, but when I just bought myself a NEW Samsung Galaxy S II by AT&T using stock Android 2.3.4, I cant find the app on the market.
Best Regards,
I wonder from where you download the zip-file?? The market? Or some link?
If you can not find out the software on Android Market, you may contact our sales for help. But there maybe some combitiable problem with your phone.
Liu, its the compatibility on your side because a customer of mine has a Motorola Atrix 4G(Android 2.2) and it works, but when Motorola offered the Android 2.3.4 update to the phone the App still works but I already couldnt find the app on the Market.
Do you mean Netdviviewer software works with Android 2.3.4 but you just can not find it on the Market. Also you downloaded one from the link I gave you but didn't work??
I think it is compatiable problem, you can google the problem, but mostly you will get the information that the software is not compatiable with your phone now.
Or you can ask your customer to send you the program worked on him phone to test again.
By the way, we are now modifying the software, and will make it work under 4 split, with remote search and backup function, also support Android Tablet, will be released next month. Maybe you can wait for that to test.
Do you mean Netdviviewer software works with Android 2.3.4 but you just can not find it on the Market. Also you downloaded one from the link I gave you but didn't work??
Netdvrdviewer works with Android 2.3.4 but the app(netdvrviewer) was installed when the phone was using Android 2.2